Africa & Asia Venture (AV) – Equality and Diversity Statement

AV is committed to creating and sustaining a positive and supportive working environment for our staff and program participants. We aspire that staff are equally valued and respected and participants are encouraged to thrive on program. As a provider of work experience, summer and gap year programs, we value the diversity of our staff and program participants. We are committed to providing a fair, equitable and mutually supportive learning and working environment for everybody. This is reflected in the core values of AV which
state the importance of:
• valuing, respecting and promoting the rights, responsibilities and dignity of individuals within all our activities and relationships;
• equality of opportunity based on merit, irrespective of background, beliefs and socio-economic context.

Commitment to equality and diversity
We believe that excellence will be achieved through recognising the value of every individual. We aim to create an environment that respects the diversity of staff and participants, enabling them to achieve their full potential,
contribute fully and derive maximum benefit and enjoyment from their involvement with AV.

To this end, we acknowledge the following basic rights for all members and prospective members of our community in the widest sense:
• to be treated with respect and dignity;
• to be treated fairly with regard to all procedures, assessments and choices;
• to be encouraged to reach one’s full potential.

These rights carry responsibilities and we require all members of our community to recognise these rights and act in accordance with them. In addition, we will comply with all relevant legislation and good practice.

No individual will be unjustly discriminated against. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and
belief, sex and sexual orientation.

Dealing with discrimination
We perceive bullying, harassment and victimisation of any individual to be contradictory to our aspirations for a supportive working environment and will not be tolerated. Any allegations of such behaviour will be investigated, and ultimately disciplined.

The directors of AV have overall responsibility for ensuring that we operate within a framework of equality of opportunity. The Managing Director has overall management responsibility, delegated to all managers throughout the company.

All members of staff and students have a duty to support and uphold the principles of our equality and diversity policy and its supporting policies.

The Managing Director is responsible for overseeing the development and execution of equality and diversity directives.

All AV staff have a responsibility to equality and diversity. We expect that, where applicable, Equality Impact Assessments will be conducted, while equality objectives are integrated into all work plans.

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