Year Out Group

About the Year Out Group

Year Out Group - Gap Year Programs
Africa and Asia Venture (AV) is a founding member of The Year Out Group (YOG). YOG was set up in 1998 as a not-for-profit organisation. It is a select association of year out organisations and seeks to promote the concept and benefits of well-structured year out programs, to promote models of good practice and to help young people, their parents, teachers and advisers in selecting suitable and worthwhile projects.

Useful Year Out Group links:


Excerpt from their website on the benefits of a gap year

Use the time wisely: Time out not time off

  • Acquire new skills or enhance existing ones such as: time management, negotiating, budgeting, planning and risk management.
  • Discover new cultures and customs; improve language skills; become more globally aware.
  • Make new friends and have fun.


  • A potentially life-changing experience.
  • Arrive at university/first job refreshed and focussed.
  • Obtain the most from your university experience
  • An enhanced CV demonstrating your employability


Founding Members

As founding and active members, Africa & Asia Venture (AV) support and adhere to all Year Out Group codes and recommendations.

Find out more about our volunteering programs by following the links below:



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Year Out Group - Gap Year Programs
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